Ridgway Advance Ram Performing in SA Merino Trial |
RA 150103: Sired by RA 130082. A young ram purchased by the O’Brien family in 2016. The Progeny displaying distinctive carcass conformation, with positive YWT, YEMD & YFat scores, which are essential for high fertility. (complete pdf can be emailed on request)
In the Classer’s grading component of the trial RA 150103 had 21% above the average progeny in the top draft (highest % of all)
The SA Sire evaluation Trial confirms Ridgway Advance sheep are a predictable genetic line, breeding the correct Balanced Merino capable of preforming in difficult conditions.
To veiw graph of YEMD & YFAT comparison click here
The Sires represented were mostly from SA studs but also included link sire, Mumblebone 130850, which performed well in the Balmoral, Vic sire evaluation trial.
SA Trial results as a pdf click here
Check out Progeny of RA 082 at this years Ridgway Advance Annual Auction on Property Ram Sale Wednesday, 15th August Senior BORDERTOWN S.A. map
Progeny from Ridgway Advance 150103 pictured.